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Author: liz25 Subject: Know yourself continued...

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posted on 03-02-2006 at 17:39 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Know yourself continued...

Boring? This is pretty interesting? This forum seemed pretty boring before this thread. Now we're actually having an intelligent debate. If you're bored of this forum, it's because your views are challenged and your finding it harder to come up with a justifiable excuse for your opinions.
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 17:42 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

Nice new way to start a thread. I was wondering why I couldn't post in the other one!!! Gradboy..I think you might have some trouble finding another forum or site, where everyone is going to calmly and placidly accept your views!! No one wants to hear they are immoral for a common/univeral practice.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By melvaughn (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 17:46 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

I must agree. This is the most active I have seen the forum. I even agree about the Gradboy comment too. At least a little.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By 22yearguyvirgin (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 17:52 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
titles aren't as bad as a forum overflow

I tried posting this elsewhere but I'l put it here now.

I can't say I've met many Canadians. The few I have met I liked though. Anyway, I live in the deep south where the idealogy is still rather backward (so are the schools). Men here act like once they marry a woman they own her. My state seems to be one of the last in all of its cultural development. If I'm not mistaken women couldn't even be the sole owner of a piece of land (required at least 1 man on the deed) until the 80's.

Come on.. teaching tool that's funny excuse
What you fail to realize is that female sexuality is drasticly different from a man's. Women have to learn what spots turn them on and what spots don't. Men only realy only have the one spot (I realize there are others but I don't want to get into that here).

What type of forum are you looking for? This is the best one I know of about virginity but there are many others. Liz25 is right though. You're not likely to find one where everyone has the same view.
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 17:55 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

Remember I told why I'm here; just was curious about wrong assumption that "there is no virgin girl in America". I found that statement wrong by seeing this forum. Please, Liz, I have no intention to get any credibility from this forum. You saw my views on M only (on gays too), but that's all. Rather I find it immoral is nothing to do with being accepted. Now, please read my next post very carefully.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By GradBoy (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 03-02-2006 at 17:56 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
this site

I think this site just attracts really young people, or else people who don't know much about sex. I am pretty 'open' sexually (I believe in sex after marriage but that doesn't mean I plan to be inhibited or prudish and it doesn't mean I judge people who have pre-marital sex. I know plenty of wonderful people who have sex outside of marriage as well and they live happy lives) But I don't think sexually open people would really be attracted to this site...just my opinion.

And gradboy..there are LOTS of virgins, but being a virgin doesn't mean you arn't human and don't have sexual desires.

Also, just to add, I think virginity in some cases can attract strange people or else people who use virginity in the wrong way. I know some virgins who got married 'Just' so they could have sex....which is never a good idea.
Trust me... view the marriagebed site I've been posting all over these threads Now THAT is an open and accepting site, not judgmental and there are constant intelligent and interesting debates and it's actually active.
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 18:06 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

I hope that you have discovered that there are virgins in this country. However, the culture here is much more open about sexuality than most. That doesn't mean that everyone is open about their sexuality though. You mayhave already met some virgins around you and not known it. I know when I tell people about me still being one they are incredibly surprised.
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 18:12 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
you never know

Exactly, no one in a million years would ever guess I was a virgin either..It's harder living in the city, because there are less virgins past a certain age. I also model parttime at a modeling agency in the city and have major problems with only attracting 'party guys' after flings. Guys are sooo shocked when they find out, some even think I'm lying, so don't assume anything...(and I'm only's not like I'm 40 or anything..hahaha)
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 18:30 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
just curious

What exactly is it about masturbation that you find immoral. I know you've said you think its unnatural but that can't be all there is to your decision. Is it religious? I don't mean to pry but I do want to understand.
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 18:35 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Sexaully open

Hey, I just viewed the links melvaughn posted and decided to paste one of the guys comments on watching your wife masturbate....I can't believe these people were virgins when they married, plus christians...I think my faith is now restored that Christians aren't all close-minded and in sexless marriages. I think I'm around too many Masturbation in marriage is very common!!!

"I am definitely blessed in this area. DWife allows me the honor of watching just about any time I ask, and often without me asking.

I've never felt like she was "cheating" me by doing so. In fact, I take it as a personal challenge. My goal is to make it better for her than she made it for herself.

I have always encouraged her to do what feels best to her and I would join in where I felt most comfortable and help/finish with her.

It has not always been perfect for her. Before she understood my motives as well as she does now, she sometimes felt "regular" sex wasn't enough for me or something along those lines. I think I have finally gotten it across to her that I simply like the visuals and she always has stronger orgasms after a few smaller ones, so it winds up being better for us both.

Guys, be sure you touch and encourage her during this occasionally so she doesn't get the idea that you are getting more out of the "pre-game" than the finale!!!"
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 18:38 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Maturbation is harmful, unnecessary and immoral

I will go through some of side effects of M,

In an artilce reviewd by Dr. Mitchell McNiff, M.D. ( July 11, 2003 ) where it shows the harmful (side) effects as an extensive practicing of M, nevertheless, It gives an idea how M would damage you physically:

1. Frequent masturbation and ejaculation will stimulate the acetylcholine/parasympathetic nervous functions. Excessive masturbation and ejaculation can, and often times will, result in over-production of sex hormones and neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine, dopamine and serotonin. An unnatural abundance of these hormones and neurotransmitters can cause the brain and adrenal glands to perform excessive dopamine-norepinephrine-epinephrine conversion, in turn, making the brain and bodily functions perform at an extreme level. Which is undoubtfully harmful. In other words, there is a huge change in body chemistry when one masturbates excessively. This leads into premature ejaculation and other frustrating sexual side effects.

2. While the normal physical
response for a man is to reach climax and ejaculate approximately 2 to 3 minutes after penetrating the vagina, the normal physical response for a woman is to build to a climax (orgasm) about 12 to 14 minutes after coitus (intercourse, sex) occurs. Some premature ejaculation cases are easy to diagnose, especially when the man ejaculates before e even enters a woman. In relationship terms, premature ejaculation can be diagnosed as ejaculating before the woman has an opportunity to orgasm. This is what over-masturbation can lead to – a disappointed woman and an unconfident man.

3. The nutrient and hormonal deficiency of excessive masturbation can lead to lack of energy, bungled biological clock, and disrupted sleep patterns. Also, without a replenished mind and body, over-masturbation is responsible for stress, anxiety, focus and concentration. These problems become magnified when a person loses sleep and doesn’t allow the body to recharge. People also complain of pain in the prostate due to it being enlarged, which restricts urine flow and contributes to incontinency after ejaculation. Those who over-masturbate tend to experience a lack of concentration, as well as mental and physical fatigue, which is a direct result of depleting their bodies of serotonin. Serotonin is crucial for the body and can be very harmful when it is drained and not replenished after masturbation. This will contribute to hair loss and hair thinning, as well as poor vision. Most importantly, over-masturbation leads to a loss of ejaculation control, painful orgasms, and eventually weak erections, which can develop into impotence. Perhaps the most difficult and obvious symptom is premature ejaculation.

4. Masturbation and frequent ejaculation depletes the brain and spinal fluids of acetylcholine, dopamine and serotonin and the hormones such as hGH, DHEA, testosterone, thyroxine (T4) and Triiodothyronine (T3), neurotransmitters that are responsible for normal bodily and brain functioning, including sexual performance. The lack of these hormones and nutrients melts the brain’s acetylcholine/ parasympathetic, dopamine and endocrine functions. Frequent ejaculation also depletes the body of serotonin, which then strikes an imbalance of serotonin and melatonin production. Over-masturbation and abnormally high amounts of ejaculation deplete your body of prostaglandin E-1 and until the body can produce sufficient amounts of that nutrient, there will be pain during and after ejaculation.

5. In an artice by Frank Chi, on hair loss:
Testosterone are converted into DHT during masturbation. However, high levels of DHT overload the body causing baldness and possible prostate enlargement if blood circulation is poor in the prostate area. Reducing the frequency of masturbation or ejaculation will help maintain low levels of DHT and avoid hair loss.

6. Frequent masturbation and ejaculation stimulate acetylcholine/parasympathetic nervous functions excessively, resulting in the over production of sex hormones and neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine, dopamine and serotonin. Abundant and unusually amount of these hormones and neurotransmitters can cause the brain and adrenal glands to perform excessive dopamine-norepinephrine-epinephrine conversion and turn the brain and body functions to be extremely sympathetic. In other words, there is a big change of body chemistry when one excessively pratices masturbation. The side effects of such changes to the body include:
Fatigue. Feeling tired all the time
Lower back pain
Stress / Anxiety
Thinning hair / Hair Loss
Soft / Weak Erection
Premature Ejaculation
Eye floaters or fuzzy vision
Groin / Testicular Pain
Pain or cramp in the pelvic cavity or/and tail bone
If above symptoms are experienced, you need to restore the balance of brain's acetylcholine / parasympathetic ratio, reduces the level of sex hormones in the body, and sedates sympathetic nervous function, or the symptoms would become worse.

7. Psychological and Social Harms (this is well known issue to anyone who had practiced M)

The psychologists say: "Here the awareness of a misdeed and the feeling of a sin occurs to those youth who practice this vile act in such a way that within themselves there is struggle between the desire to practice this vile act and the remorseful feeling of a sin." Excessive practice of this vile act leads to cowardice, an increase in nervous agitation, no confidence in oneself, overwhelming disgrace, a decrease in the urge to study and desire towards isolation and introversion. Similarly, excessive practice of this act leads towards it's addiction and attachment (then comes all above mentioned harms). Instead of practising it to rid oneself of an irresistible desire or to unleash a violent eruption of desire within oneself a person does it as a habit to attain and satisfy his carnal appetite and desire.

8. Sometimes harms of M are not explicitly depend on this act itself. Addiction or desire to have M, goes through nudity, gazing at nudity, pornography..which in turn causes psycological and social destortion, erosion, degradation and immorality. Youngs, watching this kind of graphical abuses, sexual innuedo makes them have M which carnally pleases the body, then again and again, the the endless loop starts.. they become addicted to such depiction which in fact changes their moral views/values socially. Now, we see youngs desiring to practice sex whereeve and whenever they find chance and there you go, molested girls and kids..

9. One other indirect cause of M, is gazing at nudity wich inturn cases loss of memory (the ability to memorize things are decreasing). Don't think this is a myth or somekind of story. No, no this is personal and factual experience that I observed from my students. Not two, three or six, maybe more than 20. All I saw made me confident on this conlusion that gazing/looking at nudity brings forgetfulness! You may find it subjective, and may not accept it. That's fine. But those who don't look, watch, stare on nudity (pornography) have better and sharp memory. I had a friend (maybe he was very extreme in this behaviour) but he never ever looked at any kind of sexual innuedo; and strongly withness that he had ability to memorize things extremely fast than any other one! On a trip to mountains he looked at a grave stone where there was written a ten-sentences-lined poem for just 15 sec, turned back to me and read it by heart! Moreover, I personally tested him, I spoke out 15 digits a number in advance just one time, then he repeated it after 5, 10 and 200secs. Furthermore, he knew all telephone numbers by heart. I thought it was just him who has uniquely strong memory.. but it turned out that, all I met who never look/(and refrain) from nudity has similar ability. Believe or not. Well it's not directly related to M, that's right, but since M is intentionally-driven stimulation, it sometimes requires graphical/imaginary sexual innuedo.. Again, this is subjective area!

10. No need to practice it..

Our body is designed well enough to take care of itself. Instead of performing forceful joy-method M, we as human beings have nocturnal emission (wet dreams). Which makes you happy, healthy and psycologically/emotionally cheerful.

11. ...(later maybe)

So, ladies and gentlemen who are NOT married. This are some advices for you to refrain from M.. wheather accept it or not, it is totally your choice.

View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By GradBoy (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 03-02-2006 at 18:41 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

These are all myths.. I don't know where you're getting it from but the info is inaccurate. This is information meant to scare people. It's a type of mind control...almost cultish. This info uses a lot of doom and gloom to control people's behaviour. Take that info to anyone in the medical profession and they would probably laugh.

Please don't continue to believe this...remember there is a little bit of truth in every lie...while some of the points can be somewhat believeable...they are lies, taken to the EXTREME...For you own NOT believe this. I feel sorry for you if you do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Masturbation is not always connected to Porn, it doesn't cause addiction....this is highly religious and controlling info and misguiding.

You can also tell it's inaccurate because of the language they's so OVER-DRAMATIC....."vile act..ect..what is this..a horror flick??? Any info that tries to scare you with doom ridden info, is NOT right. No wonder you have soooooo much guilt. I would suggest you talk with someone, to help get your mindset over this false info!!!
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 18:45 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
read it


Did you read it? i gave you the MD names, who are also authority in the field..

Please read it without prejudice.
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 18:52 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

Yes I did read it...why would you believe such depressing information???.. Don't you know that there are a lot of lies about sex circulating around??

If this were true, the millions of healthy people who masturbate would be in mental wards, completly crazy and sick....

I know Elderly people who masturbate...and have been for years, and they are still healthy.

Why don't you read the POSITIVE articles by planned parenthood? I'm 100%%% telling you none of this is true!!! Trust me!!
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 18:53 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

The man is an herbalist trying to sell a product.
"The story about DHT, hair loss, and masturbation — like the made-up term "overmasturbation" — originates from one and only one web site whose only goal is to sell herbal pills that do nothing, and they've gotten a lot of attention due to a large advertising campaign. We checked out an article on that site called "Hair Loss Due to Over Masturbation," which was purportedly written by a "Mitchell McNiff, M.D." According to the bio for this name, Mitchell is a "board certified urologist" and is "also the Medical Director of C.A.Z.T. Laboratories," which specializes in "Fertility Testing and Sperm Banking." A quick Google check reveals that there is no such laboratory, and there are no search results for "Mitchell McNiff" that aren't associated with the "overmasturbation" site. We have to assume, therefore, that Mitchell McNiff is a made-up character, not an actual physician. There are several web sites out there that say similar things, but if you spend a few moments investigating, you'll find that they're either all owned by the same parent company or link back to a site owned by the parent company. And they are there to sell herbal pills for people's sexual insecurities, whether it be masturbation, penis size, impotence, or even breast size. Aside from sexual predators and phishers, we can't think of a more evil presence on the Internet. Stay skeptical and don't believe any of it!"

I found that same article on previous searches. This "MD" does no real research. Th sitee finds patients that assume their ailments come from masturbstion and treats them with his remedies. That being said the best cure for any ailment is a persons mind. Its called the placebo effect.
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 18:54 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator


Thanks you made me luagh a lot

Try reading it ignoring those scary words :)

8 and 9 are my personal views. I could have serchead the statistics but no much time on it. But again, these are all far from myth!!! Read it carefully with patience.

By the way, seeing some detriments of habbits you are addicted to are unacceptible, aren't they?
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By GradBoy (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 03-02-2006 at 18:55 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

good..thanks 22guyvirgin...I would be SERIOUSLY scared if more people walked around believing this... wonder you are sooo scared over Masturbation reading that!!!! now I
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By liz25 (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 03-02-2006 at 18:58 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

Why are you drawn to such negative info??? I really don't want to see you get married to a virgin (And pass on this depressing info to the poor girl)

There was a similar false site I found (advertising for labiaplasty with false info as well....claiming that 97% of men liked a certain kind of vagina appearance and that you NEED surgery, if you don't have this type of look.
Here's the link-also a fake site.
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 19:00 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
just for you

I read it just for you.. why should someone who never practicing this act would be scared?

Liz25, even me with my biology backround can appreciate the above explanations. Trust me. I ranked the first on a biology competition in a city, far from here -in russia- when I was a little 3grade-kid

Anyway, how about 8 and 9, what do you think?
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 19:04 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

I disagree..with # I said, there is a little bit of truth in every lie.. What they are talking about is called a slippery slope...if you do X it will lead to Y down the road. Masturbating is not going to CAUSE child Molestation...My GOD!!!

Those people who are addicted to porn, and abuse sex...yes they have problems, psychological addiction problems but this has NOTHING to do with masturbation...You are taking irrelevant topics, and linking it with masturbation.....anyway, if you don't believe that what we are telling you is wronge..this thinking WILL cause YOU psychological issues and thats it....seriously, don't go through life believing this.
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 19:08 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

Before writing it, I wanted actually ask you. Do you use any graphical nudity or pornography to get off, but I couldn't dare, i just found it inapropriate and rude to ask (:)

Further, you are comparing yourself with youngs, but you are not. You are mature, well aducated and far from any juvenile.. But, think a bit about the young generation.
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 19:12 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

I don't...I have in the past (but didn't feel right about it) So Porn, and viewing explicit material is a WHOLE other can masturbate with a 'clear mind' Babies masturbate without porn...if you masturbate and think about your future spouse or think about your husband and wife if you're married then that would be GREAT. You can have positive thoughts in your mind when you masturbate. Porn is an entirely different issue. Some use Porn to masturbate, but that does not mean the masturbation itself is wronge. C'mon, you really need to learn to relax, masturbate and then breath a sigh of relief that you arn't going to die from it....honestly!! And you're lucky we are being nice...a lot of people wouldn't be so kind over this!!

C'mon guyvirgin22...back me up!!!! Arn't there any moderators on this site that can also chime in...???
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 19:17 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

Thank you Liz25 for great advice, do you really want me to perform it? :(

Liz25, I stay far from anykind of thing/behaviour/act that I think is immoral and thereby a degredation. I have a dream.. that's pretty much enough, isn't it?
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 19:21 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Trust me

Do what ever you want... I can respect people who choose not to masturbate for OTHER reasons but don't refrain from masturbation due to these false will effect your future life, if you believe this info, not to mention produce ridicule from anyone you show it to...or else depress the hell out of the person.

Also, believing this could inflict your future sex life. I'm totally SERIOUS here. Believing this negative info, could cause you erectile dysfuntions or sexual desire dysfuntions or an incapability to have sex at all!!

I also took classes on human sexuality. Sex starts with the 'mind' and what you believe will influence your performance when you actually have sex.
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 19:23 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

Now for the personal view point.
8. If you haven't already realized it someone already said that they were against pornography. It is not required to masturbate. I've even heard of people who write their own erotic stories as a way to fantasize before they masturbate. No dirty pictures, no movies, just a fantasy.

9. I heard of 1 study that showed a slight decrease in memory immediately after masturbation. However, this same effect can be seen after rigorous exercise as well. Also, my grandfather was one of the dirtiest old men you could ever meet but he had a photographic memory. He graduated Med schoool at 20.

10. Masturbation is not a nacessity but it is a choice. Actually most people feel guillty about wet dreams (they are seen as sinful in some churches).
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 19:24 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

C'mon (I learned it from you, tnx!) no need for back ups; infact 22Guy is my friend.. I like his attitudes, but one -joke

Liz25, a year ago, I had a student her name was Liz, too. But, everymorning I went to teach, she was so obsessed, exhausted and wretched.. I couldn't even look at her desk (it was igniting a pitty). But I don't undertand what can make a girl come across to such despairful state of mind..

here is a question to you:
does loneliness throw girls into despair (in general)? Personally, how do you get rid of loneliness?
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 19:26 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
re you are just starting to creep me out...believe whatever you want. It's your life! I'm leaving to go talk to some 'sane and normal people'

I can see why this forum is empty now......scary people!
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 19:29 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
please :(

we just started talking/discussing in a normal way. the question I asked, is not something to creek you, honestly, I wondered that state of mind for long time.. and couldn't find any positive result, cuz I don't know much about females.. and their private life.
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 19:31 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
It wasn't a back up

I wrote that while you two were posting. I didn't even know Liz25 asked until after I was done. Frankly I don't see how you two can post so fast. I have a hard time keeping up sometimes.
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 19:36 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

Gradboy if you wanted to know why the girl acted that way you should have asked her yourself. There is no point in asking another woman. They are no more likely to know than you. Women don't think all that much differently than men. It is the stereotyping that society does on young boys and girls that causes the differences in personality. With a little effort you can learn to understand women but it will require you talking to them and forming a friendship in person.
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 19:40 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Re: attitude


That's what I did. I asked two sided question, one she might not know, the other is related to herself. How about you? How do you get rid of loneliness? You know, singles are most likely to have such feeling than married ones.
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 19:40 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
oh no!

wow..I just read all this. After reading this I all of a sudden feel like masturbating even more...haha..(to avoid insanity). In fact, I think I'll do that right now!! If you don't hear from me...assume I've died or am in a pych ward for molesting little kids.

Or I know!!! I"ll bind my hands to my sides for a month, to avoid all masturbation!

Sorry, but I can no longer take this site seriously.
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 19:42 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
nasty girl

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posted on 03-02-2006 at 19:47 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
the end or what?

So, 22Guy, you and me left alone.. that's boring, isn't it? to some extent we share same thoughts..
Personally, let me tell you a secret. Before stopping by this forum, I didn't know that girls perfom M. Ok, my ignorance, but afterall how should I knew it?

Anyway, I'm going to have my tea, oh almost forget it, a friend of mine comes over, so we will continue on Equilibrium. One of the greatest movie ever.. very touchy, romantic, thrilling with action. Gotta see it.

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posted on 03-02-2006 at 19:52 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

First of all, thanks melvaugh. Laughter is more theraputic than masturbation.

As for for being lonely, I was lonely for quite a while all through school. I was far too shy. However, at about the same time that I found this forum I started to go through a change where I decided to be more open about myself and my feelings with everyone I meet. I also went through a bit of a religious revelation at the time and now feel that God is with me at all time. I no longer get lonely or angry. Also for some reason people are more drawn to me now than they ever were before. I have made very close friendships with not only the women around me (I used to only get along with women) but a few men as well.
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 20:24 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
posted on another site

I posted your 'so-called' information on the masturbation link melvaughn kept posting....just so you can get an idea of the kind of reaction this will have. I pretended to be Christian on the site..."i'm NOT' but figured it would sound good if I said this. what others have to say....
But they won't let you post a reply unless you are married. They will delete your posts if you are NOT married but just read what they say.........sorry, I HAD to do it. I feel like you should be corrected and that I'm helping you.

Only one other Christian has responded so far....but more will. There are lots of people on the site.
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 20:42 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Good plan

I'd almost say you're fighting dirty but I like your style and must admit I want to see the reaction.
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 20:47 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

I know...I don't think it will work but it's worth a shot. Two people have replied so far! Have you read it? They are pretty accurate so far.
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 20:51 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

I'm not interested what others say; you want to talk, talk here.. what's more I hate those hypocrite guys out there on the forum; they are just ridiculuous and pathetic; I can choose an appropriate word to discribe an insane who would explain his/her sexual relation with his partner in such great detail, they don't know what's private and what's not... those who ask to learn/and or remedy mistakes they are excluded.. off-topic.
I won't go there.

Hey, green tea with lemon rules..
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 20:53 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

I was right!! It didn't work
It's amazing how blinded and stubborn some people are...oh well, at least we can read the other more accurate opinions.

I think deep down you know you are just don't want to admit it or believe anything else.
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 21:10 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
From a Paster

This is a response from a senior paster...

"Much of what he said comes straight out of the erroneous views of Drs. Kellogg and Graham, about the supposed horrors of masturbation. Their views have long since been proven false, but evidently there are still people who will swallow anything they are told......

So, if masturbation leads to all those horrible things, then why doesn't ejaculation in sexual intercourse, since the exact same biological and neurological factors are involved? Never could figure that one out..... " (rolling eyes)

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posted on 03-02-2006 at 21:33 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

I can choose an appropriate word to discribe an insane who would explain his/her sexual relation with his partner in such great detail, they don't know what's private and what's not...
I don't think I understand what you're trying to say. Closeness to ones spouce in marriage is never a bad thing. Keeping secrets can be unhealthy and cause problems later on in the marriage. As far as sexuality during mariage is concerned, letting your spouse know your preferences can leave you more satisfied and knowing hers can give you the satisfaction of pleasing her.

Yes most Green tea is good. Just don't over brew it or it tastes like grass (yuck).

Mostly I was talking about the reaction in that other forum (I already knew Gradboy wouldn't be happy). I thought it is an interesting experiment.

So, if masturbation leads to all those horrible things, then why doesn't ejaculation in sexual intercourse, since the exact same biological and neurological factors are involved? Never could figure that one out.....
I think I already said that earlier. Just not in so many words.
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 21:33 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

Read, read, read!!! More people are posting their evidence that disputes you. I think you should open your eyes to the truth.
I get the feeling you aren't reading any of this.
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 21:37 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

I know you probably hate me but you will feel so much better once you are no longer plagued with these guilts and lies....unless you use this info as a way to keep you alienated from others and seperate or 'special' as if you have info that no one else but "you" can understand. if you believe this, then, nothing anyone say's will make you change your mind....but I figured I'd try anyway
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 22:03 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
More info

Here's another response: Just to let you know..this is the kind of response you'll get from ALL people!

"I'd bust a gut laughing if this weren't so bad.

The errors of science that abound in this are purely nauseating.

I won't get on my soapbox, but it is truly frightening how unable some people are to think if it means changing their minds."


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posted on 03-02-2006 at 22:07 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
I don't get it

Liz25, even me with my biology backround can appreciate the above explanations. Trust me. I ranked the first on a biology competition in a city, far from here -in russia- when I was a little 3grade-kid
I've had multiple science fair awards in high school (I think I have about 15 trophies and ribbons sitting on a shelf in storage and I've lost several tats just what I have left over) for botany and biology at the school, region, state and even international levels (If you look up ISEF 2000 you'll find my real name listed as the recipient of a 1st place air force award). Its nothing to brag about and it doesn't mean I have a clue about human anatomy and physiology.

What I don't understand is how anyone with even a slight background in science could be mislead by such material. Many of the hormones listed have a very short lived effect on the body. Also in order for the human to produce high enough levels of such hormones to cause damage there would have to be something much more serious wrong with a person than just simple masturbation. Probably something more along the lines of cancer or a tumor on the pituatery gland. Also, if you do some research you will find out that many of these same hormones are released during strenuous exercise. Does that mean exercise is unhealth and causes the same symptoms?
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 22:13 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

I knowwww!!! There is absolutly nothing rational about any of it. If you really think about it, it's very clear and obvious how fake it is!!!! All it takes is some rational thinking and you can pull it apart and see the lies.

The thing is...most biologists would laugh at this also. but this is the internet, people can say whatever they want in terms of being a biologist and so on... I mean, I could say I was a medical doctor If I wanted to....not to say he is lying, but it makes you wonder.

But keep checking the other forum the next few days...I'm curious if anyone one else will respond, or ignore it after reading the first few sentences of info that are so wronge
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 22:23 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Another one

possible prostate enlargement if blood circulation is poor in the prostate area
Poor blood flow during masturbation in a gland a few inches from the genitals? OOOOKAAAAAYYYY
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 22:29 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
It's crazy

I know. Totally ridiculous. You could pull apart every line of that thing, and find evidence that disputes it. These are the kind of scary beliefs people had back in the 40's, when science was lacking.
If Gradboy wanted to really know the truth, why wouldn't he go to some modern, educated person (doctor, psychologist) in the field and find out the truth? I mean do people actually like to live in ignorance?
But I assume he thinks we're all obsessed with masturbating and need to defend our views..but even people who have NEVER masturbated in their life or don't like masturbating, wouldn't believe any of that!!!!!

Plus didn't he read all of the statistics that melvaughn posted?? 95% of people masturbate..this means 95% of people are suffering from all kind of 'physical' ailments and he's in the 4/5% who is joke
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posted on 03-02-2006 at 22:34 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

Listen to what this guy had to say on the 'other forum'

"What, no warts on the palms of the hands??

I see we have floaters and fuzzy vision, so blindness may come next.

I'd rub the floaters out of my eyes, but the warts would scratch my corneas."

Anyway..keep checking out the other site from time to's pretty funny!!!! Okay, I'm thorough with trying to straighten things up for people. I did what I could..It probably didn't work but oh least other young people who view this won't buy into it! Good thing he posted all of this... Now it's so clear why he had SO much disgust about it!
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