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Author: Albert1962 Subject: Tahirih's Destructive Behavior

Posts: 9
Registered: 11-01-2006

posted on 11-18-2006 at 09:10 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Tahirih's Destructive Behavior

In the last post, "IMBRA And Tahirih Justice Center's Hypocrisy", I have shown (that) there is no justification to force unilateral release of personal and criminal information of all American male clients of International Matchmaking Organizations (IMOs) at the time of initial contact because at that stage, there is no risk of harm to foreign women.

I have also stated that unlike IMOs, Domestic Matchmaking Organizations (DMOs), such as and, are given a complete exemption (or a "free pass") on having to do any background checks on their male clients. Proponents of IMBRA justify these "free passes" by claiming that in DMO-facilitated relationships, men and women are charged and treated the same and therefore, the balence of power is not skewed to empower the male client. As result, they claim, there is less risk for abuse in these relationships.

This assertion is a complete hogwash - in fact, all evidence indicate that there is a significant threat of harm against women and girls as result of these initial contacts made via DMOs. There have been numerous documented cases of brutal murder, rape, torture and exploitation which have occurred as result.

Here are some examples:

(1) A 14 year old girl met a 37 year old man in an American Online Chatroom in 2000. The man was convicted of taking her across state lines to have sex with her.

(2) A 13 year old girl, Christina Long, was murdered by a 25 year old man she met in an American Online Chatroom. He has confessed to strangling her.

(3) The body of a young woman who posted her profile in was found near Richmond, VA. The suspect is a man whom she met through

(4) A 13 year old girl was killed by a 47-year old SanDiego man (who later committed suicide) whom she met in an internet chat room.

(5) An affluent real-estate agent in California is charged with with raping three women, two of whom he met through, a domestic marriage broker.

(6) A man has been charged with raping 10 women in the Philadelphia area. He met these women via Hey Tahirih, why isn't regulated?

(7) A man is charged with having sex with minor, whom he met via

These are just a few examples of hundreds of vicious murder, rape, torture and exploitation against women and girls which have occurred as result of contacts facilitated by DMO's. Many of these horrifying acts of violence may have been prevented if DMOs were forced to do extensive personal and criminal background checks on their male clients.

Now, here is the most heinous part - Tahirih Justice Center, a main proponent of IMBRA, has been fighting in the court of law to preserve these exemptions for DMOs, despite the fact that these "free passes" have enabled many cases of horrendous rape, torture and exploitation against women to occur. We can not afford to let Tahirih prevail regarding these exemptions because if Tahirih gets its way, it will allow sexual predators, rapists, pedophiles and premeditated torturers a free pass to find their next victims. Tahirih's behavior has been has been deplorable and deeply destructive to efforts to protect women and girls.

Therefore, I urge everyone, in the name of protecting our women and girls, to fight against Tahirih Justice Center's efforts to preserve exemptions for DMOs. These "free-passes" for DMOs must be eliminated.

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Posts: 9
Registered: 11-01-2006

posted on 11-22-2006 at 15:05 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
IMBRA And Tahirih's Hysteria

IMBRA And Tahirih's Hysteria

This reminds me of a recent WJLA (Baltimore) segment in which Tahirih Justice Center appeared in a case of false (probably fabricated) claims of rape/abuse against David Dickerson (brought on by his immigrant wife) and raised hysteria about immigrant abuse.

Appearing on a case of fabricated rape and abuse allegation to "cry wolf" indicates a sense of desperation. This video raises some troubling questions about Tahirih Justice Center's credibility. Just how many of the Tahirih Justice Center's so-called "mail-order bride" abuses are really false or unsubstanciated allegations of rape or abuse? What were they doing appearing on a case of fabricated rape and abuse claim in the first place?

I think WJLA and the reporter Scott Thuman did a good job of capturing this Tahirih hysteria.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By Albert1962 (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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